Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fun in the sun on the ice

This how the guys relax on a Sunday afternoon, "Need for Speed"!!!

Just cause

Here are a couple of pictures I thought was a nice way to end the winter. Spring is trying to come through. I was going down the road to go home the other day and saw this deer cross the road, so I had to stop and got my camera,the deer stopped and looked at me as if it knew I had the camera and posed. The next picture is of the group of snowmachine racers that my husband raced with this winter.

Week 7 / photoshop picture

For week 7 the assignment was to post a picture done with photo shop and blending two different pictures together, at least that is what I have done. Remember I am still learning this program. I took my son on his dirt bike and added it to a picture of a dirt track. It's not perfect but I think I did ok.

Week 6 / lighting

This week we were supposed to take a picture of something at three different times during the day. Every time I tried to do this the weather wouldn't cooperate with me. Eventually I will post those pictures here, the weather is getting better and the sun is staying out longer. yeah!!!!

OK here are a couple pictures I promised.
This was taken at 8:30am on 2/24 This one was taken around 9:30 am on 3/17

This was taken at 1pm on 3/17

Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 5 assignment / Landscapes

For this weeks assignment we are to take landscape pictures. This picture is taken from the top of my driveway. There are 3 house structures in the picture, the house near the middle of the picture is the main house, the house on the right hand side a bit further up is a guest house, and the structure a little further up on the left is like a sun room.

More Landscape

These next few pictures were taken when I went for a ride down one of the backroads near my home. I like the views.

Roadside Landscape

I liked the cluster of White Birch here.

Back road Landscape

Rather breath taking, isn't it!