Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Week 4... Framing / Rule of Thirds

For the Rule of Thirds the picture is seperated into thirds
so the subject of the picture isn't centered. Here
are a couple of examples.


For this weeks assignment we were to take one picture to show
framing, I couldn't choose which one I liked the best hence I
posted all of them.

Enough Snow?

Here are a couple of pictures just because I want
to share how ready for spring I am !!!!

Literally waist deep in the snow.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My girls

I created this playing with photoshop, all still a bit new to me.
I think I captured them nicely.

lighting for time of day

Assignment was to take a pictures of an object at different time of the day.
I chose 8:30am, Noon, and 4:30pm.

Not a lot of difference in lighting, it was a cloudy day.
I didn't think the sun was ever coming out again.

Friday, February 13, 2009

week 3 assignment / color schemes

For this weeks assignment we had to choose 2 of the 3 color schemes (Monochrome, Analogous, Complementary). For the first set of 3 pictures I chose Monochrome (same hue different shades).

For my second choice I chose Complementary color scheme. Here are three pictures I found for this scheme.

You may have noticed similar picture for both schemes. For the first the purples are the hue of different shades and here the stitching and lettering are in yellow which is complementary to purple.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pictures in Macro

Taking pictures in Macro was the assignment. Using still subjects are much better than ones that move, as you can see the blur in the bottom picture. These are my pets (worse than child) top: Angel, middle: Cocoa, and bottom: Mandy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

eyes a glow

I tried to get a good shot of the white tiger with its eyes glowing, but i couldn't get a clear shot of the tiger and show the eyes are glowing so this is what I ended up with.

The assignment was to take lots of pictures of anything. I guess this shows I need to buy dog food. Don't want my babies to go hungry.

picture from a different angle. Winter pictures are nice but its time for summer.

I took this picture with my teacher in mind. She is into textures.
After living in Vermont most of my life this is the first time I've seen
a turkey in a tree. I've always seen them on the ground and never
gave it a thought about where they went from the fields. Like the saying
"learn something new every day!"

Guess what?

This is the guess what this is assignment.